If you're here reading this you probably already know, I love trees. They are an occurring theme in my work as they surround the Island on which I live. The trees give me life, inspiration and general well-being when I am around them. I never pass up an opportunity to find myself in the emerald green expanse and I am so thankful to live in a place to do just that.
Which brings me to the point of this post. The Art of Perserverance is an online auction to save a portion of our local forest in Cumberland. The auction has many local artists, including myself, who have donated some of their amazing work in efforts to raise funds to purchase 226 acres of the forest. The Cumberland Forest has so much to offer other than just timber.
Would you like to help donate to this cause, to save an old growth forest? We need to perserve the old growth because without them, we wouldn't be here.
You can find some of the work available for auction here and learn more about the cause: