Thinking back as to why and how Wandering Moth had unfolded into what we see today, I wonder how I had come to this medium or if it had chosen me. I remember being in grade school working on a project of what we may like to be when we get out of school. There was a giant binder full of careers and their respective descriptions. A couple that stood out to me were architectural/interior design and fashion design. In the file of fashion options to branch out were jewelry designers, and fabricators. At the time I had no idea what went into making jewelry but we were in the research phase. A thought I had and remember thinking was that I could never be a jewelry designer. I don't like how the metals lack colour and the two tones of metals clash. There just wasn't any inclination into it. Why did I carry this limiting belief even before any of this even started?
Now, I didn't truly seek out metal jewelry design. Life somewhat called me to it. I ventured to the island in hopes of architectural interior design. In my experience plans never go as planned and occurrences played out to sway me into jewelry. Here I am with my family, in our cozy cabin by the sea, crafting with my hands and playing with fire!
I had dabbled or had tried to dabble into making jewelry with assembled materials. That fizzled out long before it got started. Those limiting beliefs crept in and I walked a path of non-creativity for years. I baked, and I held onto what little I could to create in any way possible. Luckily for us, the universe is always guiding and shepherding us back on track. It's curious how life has a way of guiding us back to a path where we feel human again. As human as one can get I suppose!
In those years I had the pleasure of knowing the kindest, gentlest soul who has always been a true gentleman. One who continues to stand by, even after his body has returned to the earth. He showed me unconditional love and in turn, I will continue to show myself that same love so I may continue to feel his presence. After his passing, he is still with me each and every day in the most unexpected ways and I know there is magic. Our pure existence is magic. This beautiful soul led me to the most beautiful souls I know today. I am beyond thankful I had the pleasure of knowing him and look to the days I get to wrap my arms around him again.
Wandering Moth came to be out of my search for that love. To find a creative outlet where I can share and help others share their stories. Our stories are what make us who we are. Our stories are our choices, the great storyteller, our guiding lights. We are all connected as one and must find the connection within so we may be without. These days are filled with creativity and when the creative blocks arise, we must walk around and fill those blocks with other creativities. How do you show your creative side? Do you dance when no one watches, or bake aromatic bread ready to share with loved ones? Or are you creatively thinking and pouring words to a page? Either way, we are all creative and we all leave a special mark on the world.
Those limiting beliefs sometimes creep in but I look upon them with a curiosity I have not had before. The coolness of the metals is sparked by the colour of gemstones, texture and the balance of nature. Life is curious, and curiosity does not, in fact, kill the cat. The cat is alive and well, it is in balance. Curiosity will take you to places you have not yet dreamed up. Where will it take you?
I would love to hear stories of how life nudged you in the direction of your dreams!